Kelly Isley

New Technology & Productivity Tips for Today’s Traveler

When traveling takes up a great deal of your time, it’s important to make the most of each moment. To avoid turbulence on your next trip, follow along as we review new technology and proven travel tips to keep you productive:

Staying Connected

With global travel up 10% and translating to 84 million passengers in the first nine months of this year according to Airlines Reporting Corp, it’s a great time to find out what kind of international plan your phone has. Because talk isn’t always cheap, especially when roaming charges hit. With that in mind, Verizon now has one of the most comprehensive data plans abroad. Other options include Google’s Project Fi means Android phones can also work abroad—in 135 countries—in much the same way as they would at home. When in doubt? Buy a portable Wi-Fi hotspot like the Nighthawk LTE Mobile Hotspot Router (AT&T) or Verizon Jetpack MiFi 7730L to keep in your pocket or purse. The bottom line: you can pay as little as $9 a day for unlimited data in about 100 countries.

Leveraging Technology

A closer look at key apps & sites making a difference in the travel space:

Roadtrippers – This planner will help you find the best way to get somewhere — and happens to be the nation’s fasting-growing travel planning platform with over 5.5 million trips booked to-date. Roadtrippers helps travelers discover the world in a new way by streamlining discovery while adding engaging and intuitive elements to your search. The app is filled with clever suggestions while both the web and mobile applications are free to use.

Café WiFi – A digital nomad treasure that shows you where free WiFi is located. Although visiting coffee shops when you need WiFi to send a critical email has its own benefits – Café WiFi is better; offers other great detail and continues to expand their reach.

TripHappy – This browser-based search tool uses big-data analytics to comb through 37 million user reviews to determine the best neighborhoods and places to stay. TripHappy is now a part of Trivago and also easy to sort results by price or rating.

GasBuddy – Will you be behind the wheel on your next journey? GasBuddy is the easiest gas-finding app available today. By entering your current location, the app shows you up-to-date gas prices within a pre-set area. You can also sort the resulting stations by price, distance, or price and distance combined.

AirHelp – Get paid for your delayed, canceled or overbooked flights. AirHelp’s goal is to help get disrupted travelers money for their woes: the average reimbursement is more than $500 per claim. Fees apply at reimbursement. If you are confused about your rights, they can help.

Parkopedia – A classic app for travelers who use a vehicle when on the road. In a nutshell, Parkopedia locates nearby parking and provides you with the fastest route, parking availability, opening hours, prices and more, plus you can book a spot straight from the app.

Healthy Strategy

Crossing time zones often lead to jet lag, which can result in headaches and trouble sleeping. To help alleviate this the doctors at Harvard suggest that you get plenty of sleep before you begin your trip, and keep well hydrated before, during, and after your flight. As soon as you arrive at your destination, adjust your sleeping and eating schedule to the new time zone. This can be difficult if you’ve crossed many time zones, but try to force yourself to stay awake until the local bedtime, and get up in the morning when the locals do and get outside in the natural light. If you simply cannot stay awake until evening on the day you arrive, nap for no more than an hour or two. Engaging in social activities can also help your body clock adjust. When trying to stay awake, eat protein and vegetables and avoid starchy foods like pasta, bread, and rice.

Secure Journey

From a personal safety perspective: the Circle of 6 personal safety app for everyone who travels and also for those who want to stay local. Winner of the 2011 White House and HHS “Apps Against Abuse” Technology Challenge and Winner of Avon Foundation for Women/Institute of Medicine it is available in both Android and ios.

If you are traveling to several global locations consider using STEP, the State Department’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, a free service that links you to the nearest embassy or consulate.

Evaluating the best way to secure your intellectual properties while on the go? Update all security software on your digital devices prior to leaving on your next trip. In the wake of all the cybersecurity incidents, it is smart to stay on top of updates and patches at all times. The reality is you’re unlikely to remember to do it the night before leaving on a 10-day trip. So, avoid an expensive breach by being prepared in advance.

Now it’s your turn

In the comments section that follows, join the conversation by taking a moment to share one of your unique travel tips that can help our community on their next journey.



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